Fact #3

Μύθοι και αλήθειες… Μύθος #2!!
Myth #2
May 26, 2017
Μύθοι και Αλήθειες...Αλήθεια #4
Fact #4
June 19, 2017

Stress….anxiety….a variety of thoughts flooding your mind…So take a look here, while you are undergoing an IVF treatment or even better before you start your treatment cycle, and see what your stress can actually offer to you and how negatively it contributes to your whole effort..!


 Fact #3

“Stress lessens IVF success rates”

Stress affects not only the quality of life of the infertile couples but also increases the chances for an unsuccessful IVF treatment cycle. It is a fact that stress leads more and more couples every day to quit and drop out their treatments. Furthermore, clear mind and peaceful soul state can help infertile couples to stay focused on their mission and do the best they can to achieve their goal! Believe it or not, our bodies are equipped to prevent conception from occurring during times of extreme stress or emotional overload. The presence of adrenalin, the hormone that is released by our bodies during stressful times, signals to our body that conditions are not ideal for conception, so it is not the best time to start an IVF treatment. You have to take care of your body, since this is it that will give you the most valuable gift of all…your child!!! So be careful ladies! However, we have the way to reverse your stress with new methods and techniques that will free your mind and soul! So, stay tuned to our next article and Fact #4, next week!

We are always here for you to guide you, advice you and listen to you and your inner thoughts. For further information, or in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on +302106895001. We are always available for you to arrange an appointment and bring you one step closer to your bigger dream…your child!