The beautiful side of motherhood

Πόσο γόνιμη είσαι?
6 Potential signs of infertility
July 14, 2017
The relationship with the embryologist of your heart!
July 24, 2017
Μην σε απογοητεύει αυτό που βλέπεις...είναι το σώμα που φιλοξενεί ένα παιδί!

Don’t let the mirror disappoint you…because your new role as a mom lasts forever!

“You may feel the last six months that your body is changing…that you are gaining weight…that you don’t like what you see in your mirror…but don’t forget… the deeper meaning of motherhood and your new role as a mom last forever!”


Is it just the emotional load a mother feels? Are there no words to describe it?

You don’t see happiness…you can’t touch it! But only feel it and experience it! During your pregnancy you were already preparing yourself for your new role…the biggest one of your whole life…the role of mother, changing parts of your personality piece by piece and talking about your new relationship…what it will bring in your life…what you will share together…your transformation and the relationship with the partner of your life…your husband!

Your baby…the most beautiful and meaningful gift life has offered you!

Is it really the face of happiness? The face of the strongest love? Undoubtedly, it will definitely be the most valuable and vulnerable point of yours forever since you will have a second heart “beating” outside your body…more exposed and more unprotected than yours!

We are always here for you to guide you, provide you more information on the aforementioned, advice you and listen to you and you inner thoughts. For further information or in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on +302106895001. We are always available for you to arrange an appointment and bring you one step closer to your biggest dream…your child!