A lot of times after embryo transfer we suggest a 3-5 days period of resting, staying in bed and avoiding strenuous physical activity etc, as we consider that this might contribute in the increase of the possibility for a successful e,bryo implantation in the uterine cavity, which is really hard to establish. But now, a study of the Infertility Institute of Valencia, Spain that was recently published in the ” Fertility and Sterility” magazine, reports that resting after in vitro fertilization does not help with gestation.
Dr Jose Remohi and his associates randomly selected 120 women and subjected them to a 10 minute bed rest after the embryo transfer and another 120 women were free to stand up right after the procedure. From the first group, 50 women finally had a baby, while from the second group, 68 had a baby.
The pregnancy percentages were similar between the two groups, but the miscarriage percentage in the rested group was 27,5%, compared to the 18* of the other group. Statistically, this difference can also be attributed to chance, but researchers state that when the woman is standing up, her uterus is in a horizontal position and they spaculate that this is preferable for a successful embryo transfer.
They also presume that decrease stress through walking after the procedure, can play a role in the birth rate.
Researchers believe that we should encopurage patients to follow their daily routine right after the embryo transfer so as to be able to better deal with the stress that the procedure of in vitro fertilization brings and to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.
“Each study result published in the infertility sector is hard to establish as every woman has her own medical history (reproductive system pathology – other organ pathology – age.)
One thing is for sure. Every situation ( physical – mental – joy or sadness ) increases the body’s muscular tone or even activates the nervous system (sympathetic – parasympathetic) and can lead to an increase of uterine contractions and in some cases embryo implantation failure.
A good psychological state and minimizing strenuous physical activity for a period of 3-5 days after the embryo transfer in many cases play a rather beneficial role in the successful embryo implantation.”