“What’s wrong? Why us? Who can help us?” These are the first thoughts that come to the mind of the couple. It is a problem which, except for careful medical research, also needs a very good psychological approach and support.
The psychology of a couple that is having fertility problems is a sensitive subject. The two companions have to deal with a problem that will really test their relationship. There are things that can help:
- Support, mainly from the doctor, as he is the only one that can combine both when you realize te difficulty of having a child..
- A careful briefing must take place to both companions by a specialised doctor for the possible etiological factor and the first examinations that need to be taken. Μην προσπαθήσετε να ενοχοποιήσετε ο ένας τον άλλον ως κύριο υπεύθυνο.
- You need help to realise that is does not matter whose fault it is, but that the problem concerns both and only by supporting each other can you deal with it.
Psychology in in vitro fertilization
Even though the percentage of an in vitro fertilization increase each year, that does not seem to be enough reason to improve the psychology of the couples that are lead to it. Why?
- Most couples need to feel that they receive a personalized treatment, with honesty concerning their problem and the possibilities of succeeding with or without a cure.
- The way the reason they cannot have a child is announced to the couple is of the highest importance.
- If the couple does not feel psychologically ready for the treatment, it should not start.
- In an in vitro fertilization attempt, mostly the female must be armed with optimism, confidence, faith and strength to cope with a positive result and much more with a negative one.