The secrets of a successful IVF

Yoga and Infertility Boosting your psychology!!!
Yoga and Infertility: Boosting your psychology!!!
March 10, 2017
Μύθοι και αλήθειες… Μύθος #2!!
Myth #2
May 26, 2017
The secrets of a successful IVF

Sustainable manipulation of personal emotions, choices and decisions can be a hard part for women who undergo a fertility treatment, for those who have faced a lot of unsuccessful infertility therapies or even have underwent a lot of miscarriages so far. When you’re investing incredible amounts of time, money, and psychological capital into an IVF cycle, you want to do anything possible to make it succeed. Individuals and couples can struggle with complex decisions about how far to take the quest for children. In vitro fertilization (IVF), frequently uninsured, is unaffordable for many, and other routes like donation, adoption or surrogacy programs can be just as, or more, expensive and pose their own challenges, with the most dominant ones… the ethical challenges!

So here are some facts –myths and facts to be honest- on what can actually improve your chances and drive you through a successful treatment.


Myth #1

“There is no control over the failure or success of an assisted reproduction treatment cycle”

The results of an assisted reproduction cycle are to a large extent based upon a thorough evaluation of the couple, and there are a number of tests the fertility specialist should proceed with, before they begin to evaluate success or failure possibilities and probabilities. The big problem, though, is that –most of the times- the couple during their treatment are not receiving the right guidance and as a result they might overlap important and necessary information that can drive them either towards positive or negative results. So what you have to wonder before starting an assisted reproduction cycle treatment is:

  • Are the sperm’s parameters (quality, quantity, morphology, DNA, mobility) in the right levels?
  • Are the ovaries in a good condition and full of oocytes?
  • Is the uterus ready to carry a child?
  • Are the tubes open and clear?
  • Are, the health habits you have, allowing not only the embryo implantation but also a smooth pregnancy?
  • Do you exercise?
  • Is your lifestyle in the same mode with your will to start a cycle treatment?


Myth #2

“Stay to bed after embryo transfer”

There’s no need to put your life on pause after the embryo transfer. We believe that encouraging the couples to follow their daily routine immediately after the embryo transfer will help them reduce the anxiety they definitely face and thereafter to increase their skills in maintaining relaxation throughout the treatment. You should never forget that a state of relaxation and calmness can provide better results and higher success rates when it comes to embryo implantation!


Fact #3

“Stress lessens IVF success rates”

Stress affects not only the quality of life of the infertile couples but also increases the chances for an unsuccessful IVF treatment cycle. It is a fact that stress leads more and more couples every day to quit and drop out their treatments. Furthermore, clear mind and peaceful soul state can help infertile couples to stay focused on their mission and do the best they can to achieve their goal!


Fact #4

“Acupuncture helps you get pregnant faster”

The theory behind undergoing acupuncture during IVF is that it increases blood flow, which may help with embryo implantation. In other words, ultrasounds have shown that acupuncture can improve uterine blood flow, which may create a more hospitable environment for implantation. One thing most doctors and scientists seem to agree on is that acupuncture can show a sedative effect on patients, reduce the levels of stress and bring to a synchronization the mind and soul.


Fact #5

“Yoga boosts your fertility”

Yoga helps your mind communicate with your soul, helps the body relax and increases the power of the thought through a mental possession process! Everything is synchronized from the way we feel; feelings can generate thoughts and thoughts, most of the times, generate reality! Everything we experience used to be part of our thoughts and feelings! So Yoga, can definitely help women, who undergo a fertility treatment, relax, communicate with their inner self, feel free to express their emotions and undergo their treatment in a smoother and less painful way.


We are always here for you to guide you, advice you and listen to you and your inner thoughts. For further information, or in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on +302106895001. We are always available for you to arrange an appointment and bring you one step closer to your bigger dream…your child!